John West (one of Behe’s defenders) published an article today (Human Zoos and a Cruel Past: A Visit to Washington University | Evolution News). This article is about Human Zoos, race, and evolution, specifically mentioning WUSTL, my university. At Peaceful Science, we are reckoning with the legacy of racism we all inherit (Reckoning With Human Zoos), so I welcome all thoughtful conversation on this topic. West writes:
It should serve as a call to humility on the part of evolution proponents, whose science is marred by such a cruel past.
Lest we miss the reference to me, @NLENTS points us to this tweet by the @discovery_institute (This is some racist Bull$h!t from the DI):
It is common in the origins conversation for race to come up in conversation. Usually it is just as we are seeing here, to tar the ideas and people we oppose. Most groups in origins have done this, from Answers in Genesis to BioLogos to secular scientists. Discovery Institute is just following this pattern. At Peaceful Science, however, we want a better way forward.
I sent an email to @discovery_institute asking them what they really want from this. If it is a real conversation about racism and origins, perhaps we will have it. If it is an attempt to silence me, it will not work. If this is an attempt to encourage “humility”, I already am reckoning with the legacy of racism I inherited, both from science and from theology. It turns out, after all, polygenesis was an idea that started in theology, not science. At some point, we all need to deal with the racism in our camps, rather than merely using it as a tool for silencing dissent.
@discovery_institute I am registering my dissent. I agree with Behe (I Agree With Behe ) and I am giving him a fair hearing (A Fair Hearing for Behe ), but I disagree with Darwin Devolves. This has nothing to do with race. I will not be silent.
Speaking of WUSTL…I’m proud of their attitudes on race: How WUSTL Medical School Desegregated. That is a story for another time though.