Puck's Criticism of Richard Weikart's Book on Racism

Heck, I can, and from only searching this forum. In a bit of discussion concerning whether we are monkeys/primates/mammals/amniotes/tetrapods/fish, here’s Joe Felsenstein responding to John Harshman:

But while that’s the only example that comes to mind, and I am vastly too lazy to go digging through ancient threads I’ve been involved in elsewhere to find and cite them all, I am sure I have seen the same tack taken by multiple others.

To me, the notion that this is in any way strange to anyone who has taken the trouble to engage, and make favorable comment upon, the IDC literature is completely bizarre. Surely it is important, before taking on board a wholesale critique of an entire scientific discipline, to have at least a passing familiarity with current views and concepts within that discipline.