Puck's Criticism of Richard Weikart's Book on Racism

I suggest that, before writing, you ponder whether “provide grist for certain lines of argument justifying” necessarily means the same as “justify”. The emphasize was on “provide grist”, and the sense was that some people use that “grist” to make arguments justifying X. If you read the posts of others charitably, you would give them the benefit of the doubt before declaring they are utterly wrong.

Yes, they use it for grist. That was my point. I agree with your statement. And so, based on every excerpt I’ve seen of his work, does Weikart. Yet people here jump to attack him, based on nothing more than such excerpts, plus snippets from negative reviews of Weikart (minus Weikart’s rejoinders to those reviews), plus his association with Discovery. Sheer prejudice – which is nothing new here.