To refocus on West’s article after reading your responses, I wanted to go through it and highlight some things:
If not religion, what about politics? Perhaps the shooter was persuaded by the rhetoric of Republican Party politicians or conservative pundits like Tucker Carlson, as some have recklessly suggested online? Sorry, but those who want to score partisan points in this awful tragedy should look elsewhere.
The perpetrator’s manifesto is very political, his lean towards extremism and the cesspool of 4chan is political, replacement theory, major parts of the Republican party and associated Conservative groups do in fact lean into QAnon, replacement theory, and many other political movements. The constant poisoning the well around immigrant (both legal and otherwise) by Republican party and adjacents is political and interacts with these groups. Tucker Carlson spews replacement theory segments and dog whistles for alt-right causes and beliefs much of the time.
So if not religion or politics, what fueled his hatreds? Try evolutionary science.
He never established this negation and then jumps to his target
His list of killers inspired by or “smitten” by Darwinian evolution are overly simplified and reduced to support his argument.
Now thankfully West goes into evolution not as the cause of these things but does not address his title or other points that say something different and attack this section.
Think about it: If humans truly evolved through a blind and accidental process that did not have them in mind, it’s not much of a jump to believe that some human populations must have evolved in ways superior to other human populations. Thus, a tendency toward racism was sort of built-in to evolutionary theory from the get-go.
This though experiment does not address the fact that science would indeed test these outcomes and that better science along with sociological changes helped address racist practices. I still remember the myth that men are superior at math than women being taught by my school teachers/church/family in the 1980s/1990s. Better science addressed this. Sexist Christians held to this.
So when white supremacists come along today and resurrect arguments for Darwinian racism from years gone by, modern evolutionary theory may not have the moral resources to persuade them otherwise.
No evidence given for this. Instead of evolution as the causative agent of racial terrorism, it is now the powerless tacit supporter or originator.
“discovering” 4chan is one thing. Continually browsing, digesting, and not rejecting the dark of that community requires a lot more than innocent curiosity. This article chose to attack evolution, when the more honest story is that extremist leaning young adult is radicalized during a difficult social time of COVID. Support for vulnerable people is a noble cause and should be supported.