Continuing the discussion from NPR: Swamidas, Lents and Templeton on the GAE (Tuesday at Noon CST):
" Dr. Swamidass, perhaps you can carry this question to the Tuesday discussion: If Genealogical Adam and Eve has a genealogical connection to us all, but does not contribute any genes to any of us, how can science investigate whether GAE existed? Or how Original Sin got handed down to, say, me?:
I thought I would make a quick comment about your question about “how can science investigate whether GAE existed”.
While there is general agreement in the GAE ranks that science cannot refute the existence of GAE, it is my own personal opinion that science will never be able to prove or disprove the existence of GAE.
So, your next question, “how can science investigate whether Original Sin was passed from Adam/Eve to humans descended from Adam/Eve” is also answered similarly. Original Sin is a theological or metaphysical construct. And science is not designed to test metaphysics. As above, this is my personal opinion on the matter. But I have long suspected that as soon as something like Original Sin is successfully measured by science, it means original sin is not really, categorically speaking, “meta-” physics, - - but just a more obscure part of ordinary physics.