Some Comments from YouTube Watchers of the Tour-Farina Debate

Pick a side on what question? If the statement is merely that we haven’t figured out the origin of life, nobody is against that proposition. There are no reasonable people on the other side of that. Everyone agrees that question is unsolved and that is why the field even exists and why it is an increasingly active area of research.

Consider that the whole idea that you have to pick a side (either you agree the problem is unsolved, or you believe scientists have created frogs from simple chemicals or such similar nonsense) because there’s this huge block of people who claim we’ve already got it figured out (and that this huge block of people is a huge societal problem) is a false picture in the first place.

Perhaps one of the biggest problems is people have reading comprehension issues. The popular press sure is full of a lot of hype, but as egregious as some university press releases can be, I have to say I haven’t ever come across one that genuinely claimed scientists have created frogs (or “slithering creatures”) from simple chemicals. Much less have I encountered an actual science textbook that said that.

Sure, I don’t disagree with that. The ability to attack people’s underlying motives cuts both ways, and people on either side can be motivated by their biases and preconceptions in ways that make them prone to poor reasoning and uncharitable interpretations of their opponents. Agreed.

But I’m not sure how that fits as a response to what I wrote.

You literally stated in your video what I was responding to. Perhaps you meant to say something else like what you just did here, but what you stated in the video is a non-sequitur. It really doesn’t, actually, follow that because there are people making presumptive bad-faith attacks on ID, that there must therefore be something to ID. ID must stand on it’s own merits regardless of how some people attack it (or not.)

Are there bad faith arguments against ID? Sure. Does that mean there’s something to ID? Well, no. If there’s something to ID it is not because it is attacked by some people with badly motivated arguments.
And if you think there’s something to ID, I’d be happy to discuss those things with you. You also stated in your video you haven’t been able to find any substantive criticisms of ID and I must again repeat my question: Where did you look? I highly recommend you look where I suggested in my previous post.

I agree Dave did not seem very open to considering Tour’s criticisms in much depth in their debate, and generally seems to have a hard time steelmanning Tour at all, despite their disagreement. And this probably also had the effect of both men talking past each other at times. But that doesn’t mean Dave did not have any substantive criticisms of Tour’s points.