Some Comments from YouTube Watchers of the Tour-Farina Debate

No, you aren’t; you’re now making it so broad as to be useless. Look at your OP, the context here. Eddie, you are constantly trying to avoid scientific evidence and the scientific method so that you can pretend that ID is science.

I didn’t claim you did. I have pointed out your complete lack of understanding of the scientific process. Nowhere is your ignorance more evident than in your claims that people “read papers” at scientific meetings or that they host debates.

No. That is the context of the OP, though.

I’ve never witnessed any gauntlet-throwing except in the context of priority, which escapes you since you need to pretend that all interpretation is retrospective, because ID does zero prospective hypothesis testing.

I haven’t, and we’re talking about my field, not yours.

Here’s a typical Q-and-A:

  1. “Nice talk. Did you do control X?”
  2. “No, but that’s a great suggestion.”

Note that this can be a brutal question delivered politely, when control X has the potential to invalidate the whole point of the talk.

What I described above cannot be accurately described as debate.

Your gross misrepresentations of science and scientists are the issue here. Again, someone’s giving a talk (instead of a poster) at a meeting because she has produced new, interesting data, so there’s no basis for your silly pretension that people are debating retrospective interpretations of a static pile of data.

You repeatedly and deliberately invoke this misrepresentation to support the IDcreationist pseudoscientific scam, which steadfastly avoids formulating hypotheses and tests thereof.

We debate grant application scores at NIH study sections. We debate whom to hire as new faculty at department meetings. Those are real debates. No one is standing behind a podium in either case. What you refuse to acknowledge is that when we do science, we have the obligation to test our hypotheses, so at meetings we are almost always presenting the results of debates we have already had with ourselves. That being said, there have been obvious failures to do so, the ENCODE fiasco being a familiar one to people here.

That’s the essence of the scientific method, and the failure to engage in it, emphasized by your misrepresentations, is the best marker for identifying pseudoscience.