Sounds like Climate Change is Very Real


Even so, I know plenty of people who say, “This is just natural variation. Climate is always changing. It always has. That’s nothing new.”

Some of them quote a favorite denialist script on American Family Radio:

"While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.”
– Genesis 8:22

After all, we all know that “climate change” means no more seasons. Right? (Face-palm.)


It has seemed to me that the climate change deniers that I know in person and online have fallen pretty silent on the issue.

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I’ve definitely noticed less enthusiasm among many of the denialists.

WattsUpWithThat was still quite active last I checked … just checked again, still going.

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I’d forgotten about that website. I need to check in more often.

Of course, the discussion there tends to be far more cerebral than most of the denialists I encounter on a local basis.

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