Summer 2018 Issue of God and Nature

Edited by our very own @sygarte.

The Summer 2018 issue of God and Nature is now online.

The main focus topic for this issue is “Judgment and Peer Review.” We are fortunate to have essays from Gareth Jones, Kevin Arnold (of the John Templeton Foundation), James Peterson (Editor of Perspectives in Science and Christian Faith), and Scott Smith.

Due to several high-quality essay submissions that couldn’t fit into the previous issue, we have a second focus topic on “Chance and Design (Redux).” There are four essays on this topic as well. You will also find an interview about a novel community concept, two poems (by Kaylee Hill and Eugene Lemcio), a photo essay by famed writer Thomas Jay Oord, and our regular column “Across the Pond” by Mike Clifford.

The Letter from the Editors by myself and Managing Editor Ciara Reyes includes an introduction to the topic from my own point of view as a former NIH official in charge of peer review of grants as well as information about upcoming issues.

If you are thinking of submitting material to God and Nature for publication, please be sure to check out the new information in the Author’s Guidelines in the About tab.

As always, comments on this issue (including Letters to the Editor on any particular piece) are welcome, as are any suggestions and ideas for the magazine. Please enjoy reading it and pass the word about God and Nature to friends and colleagues. We look forward to meeting many of you in a couple of weeks at the ASA meeting near Boston.

@sygarte, what are your upcoming themes?