Teaching evolution with conflict reduction practices increases acceptance,

I thought this might be of interest.

Students in biology classes accepted the theory of evolution more often when it was taught with conflict-reducing practices, including an emphasis on religious compatibility and autonomy, according to a study published December 4, 2024 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Rahmi Ourota Aini and Elizabeth Barnes from Middle Tennessee State University, U.S., and colleagues.

Fluff article:

Original publication:



Here is an example as quoted in the article:

" For example, instructors could offer compatibility between evolution and religion, offering examples of religious leaders who accept evolution or scientists who are religious."

I think it would be a good start on this list to have all participating Atheists
on this list to provide an example of a scientist they know (or know about)
who is a Trinitarian Christian.


I don’t know the religious views (or lack thereof) of most scientists, even the ones I know personally. It doesn’t come up, and it isn’t relevant.


And extra bonus points for identifying the Unitarian Christians.


If we did this (it’s a crap idea btw), you would discover that the vast majority of unbelieving participants in the forum know Christians personally and certainly “know about” prominent respected Christians who are scientists. This is true about me, and I know it is true of several of the forum participants that you hold in such shameful contempt.

Also: your projection of vast ignorance and of naked bigotry, onto unbelievers on this forum, is reprehensible.

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Agreed! I would be the FIRST one in that regard!



And you are wrong about that.

Peaceful Science was founded to defend the Genealogical Adam and Eve
scenarios … which is INHERENTLY a religious discussion about reconciling
Evolutionary Biology with some religious ideas.

When are you going to understand that?


This is false, as anyone would know upon the most superficial examination of what its founder(s) wrote about PS. The Mission and Values document has been cited to you repeatedly, and my opinion is that your posts exemplify the opposite of its most important values.

BTW, while I agree with @John_Harshman that people’s religious views aren’t relevant in most discussions, I’ll also agree with you, George, that interactions between “some religious ideas” and science are both relevant and interesting. This applies to the forum and to PS itself. If you want to contribute to the forum in any meaningful way, you’ll stop your hate campaign against atheists and use the abundant time spent on that to actually read people’s posts and respond to them with comments that aren’t laden with lies.


When there is any evidence that it’s true. Incidentally, is all your arrogance and hostility a proper Christian attitude?


A post was split to a new topic: PS Missions & Values

Had Joshua even publicly discussed GAE at the time PS was begun? I don’t actually know.

I think that PS (as a site and forum) was born in 2018 but the GAE dates to at least 2017, and the article below seems to have been first published on the PS site before Joshua’s paper in PSCF in 2018.

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Can you imagine the conflict this “conflict reducing method” would produce at home during Christmas holiday where the young, bible-toting 18-year-old son of uber-evanglical parents comes home and says, Hey mom and dad, guess what I learned in Intro to Biology this past semester at Public U? It’s ok to believe in evolution. Professor Hogwarts, who came to visit us one day in class and is a world-renowned biologist and also a wonderful bible believing evangelical Christian, says we can believe in evolution and we will still be able to go to heaven. Freshmen (and some would argue beyond) are a mush-minded group who will believe anything as long as the professor is cool and sophisticated or either reinforces or challenges some already indoctrinated belief with more nuance. It would be interesting to see how much of this “learning” actually sticks…


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