I’ve been invited to three podcasts lately, and wanted your help. What topics would you like to hear about in these upcoming conversations?
Purpose Nation
Brad Cooper (@purposenation, https://www.purposenation.org/) runs a Christian focused podcast, that includes a lot of Catholics too. You can see their past guests here: Christian Podcast; Catholic Podcast - Purpose Nation — Purpose Nation.
He just interviewed Dr. Fazale Rana (RTB), and our work on the Genealogical Adam came up: Purpose Nation: Fazale Rana (RTB) on Genealogical Adam. So, I’m sure a Genealogical Adam will be on the topic list, but I am sure this will not be everything.
Here is the format he gave me:
- Introduction
- Brief summary of my current work, including Peaceful Science
- My faith and science background
- Deeper dive into 1-3 current science or technology topics
- The goals of Peaceful Science
- Encouragement for for listeners to engage with science and technology.
- Upcoming projects
So here is my question, what science and technology topics do you want me to address on @purposenation’s podcast?
Downard’s Evolution Hour
James “RJ” Downard (@rjdownard) is a very devoted defender of evolutionary science, who runs a very extensive blog of anti-anti-evolution arguments (https://tortucan.wordpress.com/ and has a YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRdnABwU9uUJw1k40LGYcQA) He found out of about @NLENTS and myself through the exchange with DI, and invited me to participate. He explains the goals of Evolution Hour:
The goal is to discuss evolution in all its ramifications, and particularly how antievolutionists interact with it. I am not religious, so that aspect does come up.
A couple distinctives I noted about his cast:
- It seems to me that he is non-religious but not anti-religious, much like many of those on this forum.
- This is done as a LiveCast, so questions can be submitted in real time in the chat alongside the youtube video as it is happening.
- They do not shy away from technical details, so we do not have reduce things down here. I’m expecting a helpful exchange on the technical aspects.
These three things should make for a very entertaining conversation. I will, of course, be announcing the podcast here when a date is set, so everyone can join the fun.
What topics do you think I should cover in this conversation?
Virtue in the Waisteland
Jeff Mallinson is a lutheran philosophy professor at Concordia University, and invited me to his excellent podcast Virtue in the Waisteland. I met Jeff this summer, and he is a colleague of @Philosurfer (Daniel Deen and Joel Oesch: The Lutheran Voice and Crosswise Institute). I’m looking forward to the conversation with him, but I don’t have enough information to ask a focused question about it yet.
Remember Some Other Podcasts…
All this talk of Podcast reminded me of some others I’ve done on. This one might be interesting too some. It was by Ken Fong, on the Asian American Podcast: Asian America: The Ken Fong Podcast -. I’ll see if I can dig up a couple others I’ve done over the years.