Yes. I think there’s value in whittling things down to that. And if that’s the hang-up for them, then diving into the intricacies of evolutionary processes isn’t meeting them where there’s at.
@Puck_Mendelssohn It takes some effort to stay focused sometimes, especially when particularly egregious distractions come up, but I don’t really see how it proliferates moles in principle. Perhaps you can say a bit more on that? Speaking of distractions, I think I’ll indulge in this one really quick: as far as “willfully witless” goes, I think there are very strong defense mechanisms (often curated over decades, often instilled in upbringing) protecting their hope, meaning, and purpose that explain why it can seem that way, and I think these mechanisms thrive on getting mired in details. I’m not sure “willfully” has a whole lot of meaning in this context, tbh.
At least stop doing the same ones with the same people!
I agree with you 1000%, and I think there’s a lot a value in uncovering this fact. IMO there’s a phenomenon in which people maintain a sort of self confusion that allows them to experience less cognitive dissonance about what they believe.
Yeah, that saves time, for sure.