Truth or Fiction: The Onion buys Infowars

Seriously, I thought sure that this was a joke from a late night talk show opening monologue:

America has officially reached The Byers Point™

That settles it. I definitely picked the wrong time to give up hallucinogenic recreational drugs.


I might finally give in and start doing drugs. :clown_face:


Truth is stranger than fiction. Parody may be more truthful than the reality.

The Onion should immediately hire a comedian who is an Alex Jones lookalike----and have him do a daily Info Wars program spoof similar to the parody character that Steven Colbert used to portray on the Daily Show. (If it pushes Alex Jones over the edge, I’m all for it.)

Ya know, anyone needing some good news should consider that both Alex Jones and Rudy Giuliani have had to fork over huge money and assets to pay at least some of the people they’ve harmed. So sometimes justice happens. Not always quick but sometimes very just.


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