Keep in mind, everybody has biases whether it is based on personal reasons or worldviews. This is not only not a choice but it is something that can happen without personally being aware of it. So when I said what I said, I did not mean that it would be intentional or premeditated. We all make mistakes in judgement.
More importantly, I speficially mentioned that I am certainly not going to give you the benefit of doubt if your response looks like what I suggested before. This means that I am assuming that your objections are coming from a place of genuine professionalism unless I find instances where you are not displaying professionalism. Then, I will be calling you out on it because I am being professional here and take this seriously. I expect no less from everyone here.
Anyhow, I am going to address your objections once I am finish with John so I can provide a quality response.
No need. This article clearly outlines why current evidence clearly shows how the Cambrian explosion was a real events rather than an artifact:
Current understanding on the Cambrian Explosion: questions and answers | SpringerLink
Alright, here is my origin of life model again to help you understand the correlation between my model and LUCA under common descent:
Before the leftover meteorites were clumped together to form the primitive earth 3.8 billion years ago, virus-like RNA molecules were created within the deep-sea hypothermal vents of the earth. Then, some of these virus-like RNA molecules were naturally selected into different species of unicellular organisms, such as bacteria and archea and they underwent a heavy amount of HGT from the viruses that were created within the deep-sea oceans.
Now, this will be the current understanding of the Common descent model. I bolded the parts that specifically show a correlation with what I have argued in my “Would this origin of life model work” topic:
… modified bases are part of the universal genetic code (Fig 4), which was present in LUCA. Many RNA-modifying enzymes trace to LUCA, particularly the enzymes that modify tRNA. Several of those enzymes are methyltransferases (many SAM dependent), and they remind us that, before the genetic code arose, the four main RNA bases could hardly have been in great supply in pure form because there were no genes or enzymes, only chemical reactions [123]. Spontaneous synthesis of bases in a real early Earth environment like a hydrothermal vent, an environment that lacks the control of a modern laboratory [124], is not likely to generate the four main bases in pure form…There are 28 modified bases, mainly occurring in tRNA, that are shared by bacteria and archaea [127].
…New laboratory syntheses of RNA molecules in the origin of life context now also include investigations of modified bases [131], as it is becoming increasingly clear that these are crucial components at the very earliest phases of molecular and biological evolution."
“… Did the origin of genetics hinge upon hydrothermal chemical conditions that gave rise to the first biochemical pathways that in turn gave rise to the first cells? Genes that trace to LUCA [78], ancient biochemical pathways [103], and aqueous reactions of CO2 with iron and water [98,110] all seem to converge on similar sets of simple, exergonic chemical reactions as those that occur spontaneously at hydrothermal vents [148]. From the standpoint of genes, physiology, laboratory chemistry, and geochemistry, it is beginning to look like LUCA was rooted in rocks.”
The last universal common ancestor between ancient Earth chemistry and the onset of genetics (
Read also: Root of the Tree: The Significance, Evolution, and Origins of the Ribosome | Chemical Reviews (
Now, I am going to justify the link ,based on evidence that demands it, between current understanding of LUCA and how the first life forms were created in my origin of life model. Just the bolded quotes of these articles:
"The cells of the three kingdoms, in particular, have three distinct types of cell membrane, and this gives us a major evolutionary problem.
The cell membrane is the site where molecules are transported to and from the environment ( molecular transport ), and where energy is obtained from outside sources and converted into internal forms ( energy transduction ). These two processes – the exchange of matter and the access to energy – are so fundamental that we can hardly imagine a common ancestor without them, and yet the phylogenetic data tell us in no uncertain terms that ancestral membrane was not conserved and the descendants of the common ancestor evolved independently three different types of membranes."
What is code biology? - ScienceDirect
"The transition probability of the tunnelling concept from the field of organic chemistry [123] to biochemistry [124] has significantly increased within the past years while, at the same time, the conceptual barrier between chemistry and biology has become smaller and has begun to disappear [125] (see also Pross, 2013, in this issue).
Quantum Tunnelling to the Origin and Evolution of Life (
Again, “Jesus taught that God created one man and one woman (Mark 10:6) and mentions Abel, a son of Adam and Eve in Luke 11:51. Was Jesus wrong in His beliefs? Or did Jesus know there were no literal Adam and Eve and He was simply accommodating His teaching to the beliefs of the people (i.e., lying)? If Jesus is wrong in His beliefs, He is not God. If Jesus is intentionally deceiving people, He is sinning and therefore cannot be the Savior (1 Peter 1:19).”
Is the Adam and Eve story to be understood literally? |
Thus, If Jesus is the designer that created and designed life and created us in his image, then we can test this claim up against the claim that the Adam and Eve story was false.
BTW, I am still waiting for you to explain why my model is inconsistent with the Genesis account.
Well, you really have your work cut out for you here in justifying why we should not view common design and common descent as mutually exclusive models based on the lack of an origin of life model for common descent, the reality of the Cambrian explosion, and what Jesus said in Scripture about human exceptionalism
I can’t imagine you providing an argument that justifies this in the face of overwhelming evidence. But, I definitely expect something other than assertions, unwarranted complaints and unsupported claims. If I don’t see a well thought out effort to address my arguments and the data I presented, then I will be asking the same question…
Why are you here?