Universal Common Designer theory [UPDATED and REVISED]

On your Quantum Woo:

Your cited source makes NO mention of “Quantum Consciousness” (or of consciousness at all) so does not support your claim.

Likewise your cited source for this only states that QM is only connected to “biology through chemistry to physics”. It does not state, or imply, that life is “a non-local mathematical wave function”.

Only your first cited source makes mention of “Quantum Consciousness” (or of consciousness at all). And it explicitly states that it is only a hypothesis.

Even if this hypothesis is confirmed, it is still a long way from providing an explanation for creation ex nihilo by your asserted “Universal Common Designer”. If this hypothesis is confirmed then all life possesses “quantum consciousness”, but I have seen no evidence of any of us creating physical objects simply with our minds. This whole line of argument gets you exactly nowhere.

You are continuing to misrepresent, and more particularly to massively exagerate, your sources.