Universal Common Designer theory [UPDATED and REVISED]

Right now, I want everyone to evaluate this for me. The line of reasoning archaeologists have used to establish the presence of Hominids in North America is basically no different than the line of reasoning I use to establish the presence of Jesus was during the origin of life era. There are four identical facets to this line of reasoning:

A 130,000-year-old archaeological site in southern California, USA | Nature

Confirmed the Time and Place of Origins


In the early 1990s, road construction crews working near San Diego, CA, uncovered the remains of a single mastodon. Though the site was excavated from 1992 to 1993, scientists were unable to date the remains. Both radiocarbon and luminescence dating techniques failed.

Recently, researchers turned failure into success, age-dating the site to be about 130,000 years old, using uranium-series disequilibrium methods.


Geologists were able to do the same after they found evidence of the first life from the oldest rocks on earth. They discovered viruses in the deep-sea oceanic vents. We also found that RNA viruses represent the most abundant form of organisms within the world’s oceans.

The Appearance of Design


“The archaeologists argued that: (1) the arrangement of the bones and the cobble and (2) the markings on the cobble and the fracture patterns on the bones appear to result from the intentional activity of a hominid. To put it another way, the archaeological site shows the appearance of design.”


I provided studies that show how life is fundamentally defined as digital information, which happens to transcend reality. From the conclusions of the “Is Life Unique” article:

'What is the ingredient missing from inanimate physicodynamics that makes life possible? The answer is formal control mechanisms. This “regulation,” as it most often appears in the literature, is instructed by Prescriptive Information (PI) and its algorithmic processing—both elements being uniquely produced by life. In addition, both elements seem to have been inherent in life at the subcellular level in its earliest and simplest forms…

…All of these phenomena are as nonphysical and formal as mathematics; and unique to life.’

Moreover, there is a resemblance between biochemical language and human language that suggests we are not only displays patterns of conscious agency but one that mimicks the behavior of modern humans:

“The repetitive non-coding RNA sequences resemble that of a natural everyday language, i.e., the essential tool to coordinate and organize common behavior.”

Two genetic codes: Repetitive syntax for active non-coding RNAs; non-repetitive syntax for the DNA archives

Failure to Explain the Evidence through Unguided Natural Processes


The archaeologists explored and rejected alternative explanations—such as scavenging by wild animals—for the arrangement, fracture patterns, and markings of the bones and stones.


Whenever unguided chemical processes under atmospheric conditions were left to themselves without any interference, they did not produce the desired results. Rather, the living state would always subside and turn into useless networks of RNA sequences:

“ Simply mixing chemicals and watching for a living system to appear from the broth seems unreasonable to me. This approach has never worked, and it is not expected to work, at least not if one is limited to the lifetime of a human, let alone the duration of a funding period or a Ph.D. thesis."

Prebiotic chemistry and human intervention | Nature Communications

Reproduction of the Design Patterns


The archaeologists confirmed—by striking elephant and cow bones with a rock—that the markings on the cobble and the fracture patterns on the bone were made by a hominid. That is, through experimental work in the laboratory, they demonstrated that the design features were, indeed, produced by intelligent agency.


In the topic “Would this origin of life model work”, I described how synthetic biology and prebiotic chemistry empirically demonstrate the necessary role intelligent agency plays in transforming chemicals into RNA viruses or DNA.

Now, I want everyone to explain to me why my conclusion is invalid even though I am using the same line of reasoning researchers used to establish Neanderthals