W or w represents fitness in most conventional population genetic literature. From a variety of texts (such as Felsenstein’s Theoretical Evolutionary Genetics and Gillespie’s Population Genetics a Concise Guide, etc.) “w” is usually treated as CONSTANT. That is fitness associated with a trait, an allele, a mutation, etc. is treated as a CONSTANT. There is some notable deviation from this situation where Joe Felsenstein analyzed situations such as migration and he had to use Komogorov forward equations, and hence variable fitness associated with traits…
The following paper:
Shows the additive, multiplicative, and stickbreaker ways of computing overall fitness for a particular genotype. Again as far as I can tell each Wi is a constant value.
I argue the results of Lenski’s paper shows this idealization where each Wi is constant does not hold over time!
An important passage is here from Lenski’s paper:
the signature of selection is sufficiently weak that these adapted genomes are essentially indistinguishable from those derived from mutation accumulation experiments, which are designed to impede the action of selection.
Some of the mutations that create this situation are those that disrupt DNA repair – disabling mutS and GO, etc.
As an approximation, when one or a small number of traits are strongly selected FOR, what ever other traits there are should have their fitness contribution (delta-Wi) approach zero in the additive model. This is extensible with some revision to the multiplicative and stickbreaker models.
But if this happens, this implies each Wi, is NOT a constant over time, and a disruptive new trait or small set of traits (such as loss of DNA repair) might increase fitness of the overall population because of these traits, but the other traits become essentially neutral. That is, for whatever reason, the other delta-Wi’s approach zero in the additive model.
The question is Why? But the experiments seem to indicate this is the case, and if so the idealization of each delta-Wi being a constant does not hold in general, and may actually be an idealization that is rare enough as to invalidate its use in analysis of evolution. But if the change of Wi overtime uncertain, then to the extent the evolutionary enterprise depends on the idealization of Wi being constant over time, then the evolutionary enterprise rests on uncertainty and therefore rests on possibly unprovable speculations, and is therefore built on faith statements more than actual experiments.
As Gillespie said in the preface:
“Population genetics is concerned with the genetic basis of evolution. It differs from much of biology in that its important insights are theoretical rather than observational or experimental.”
Well, now we have experiments such as Lenski’s mutator genomes that may controvert theoretical ideas in population genetics. This evident in the fact the genomes are decaying in Lenski experiment even though there is large scale adaptation and fitness gains and worse, under intense selection for some traits, it seems the evolution of other traits goes strongly into neutral mode making the rest of the genome evolve as a random walk! Haldane, Kimura, et. al sort of anticipated the situation with most of the genome being neutral, but it is especially noteworthy this is happening under intense increase in fitness and adaptation! That outcome is not exactly obvious in the additive model (and I would expect similarly in the multiplicative model).