Watch This Ex-Evangelical Explain Why She Finally Gave Up Her Belief in God

I am not being unkind… I am just showing a mirror to you. This is what your philosophy of life amounts to.

I am actually being kind and helping you be true to what you believe.
As to your happiness. I believe you when you say you are happy. Because reality is different from your strange beliefs. You are a person, and hence your happiness matters.

Methinks he doth protest too much.

Reality is certainly different than YOUR strange beliefs. LOL

You are welcome to your delusions… :wink:


And you are certainly welcomed to your delusions also. Good night.


You are here at the sufferance of @swamidass… it would be appropriate if you restrict your discussions to the problems of those Christians who oppose common descent.

Well doesn’t matter how you get a seat at the table, just matters that you got a seat at the table. And if you’re not invited to sit at the table, you might as well assume that you are the dinner.

I couldn’t care less about the problems of those Christians who oppose common descent. Let them lose their minds and their souls over it. At some point cognitive dissonance will occur and they will see the science for what it is - Human knowledge neutral on God…

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Your primary task here is not to argue about resurrection or about theism. Your purpose is to lend a hand teaching Creationists about the scientific side of Theistic evolution.

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My primary task here is to learn about cool stuff. And in the process learn about myself, other cool (and not so cool) people, and to enjoy life while doing it. Living a good life, George. That’s what it is all about.