(S. Joshua Swamidass)
October 4, 2018, 9:16pm
Continuing the discussion from What is the Value of Peaceful Science? :
This is a good reminder. We are still very much “emerging”. We are not our final form, and our final form is still up for adjustment and input and contributions from everyone here. Once a community is stable, change is hard. What you see is what you get. Not at our stage. Right now, there is much going on that is not yet seen.
@Jordan , remember when you asked…
I’ve spent the last two days reading as much as I can on the forums but while there is a lot of diversity in people, I’m not seeing nearly as much diversity of topics as those other organizations. Obviously I’m not expecting a lot considering Peaceful Science hasn’t been around long and it doesn’t have the resources that those other organizations have.
So my question is, is Peaceful Science “planned” to encompass much more than Adam and human evolutionary history?
I answered:
Now you gleefully write the value of what you have found here:
I’ve not found a place (online or face-to-face) where I can:
Dig into the science of a different field (see The Sky Glows With The Lyman-Alpha Emission ) with an astrophysicist.
Discuss some of the scientific nitty-gritty of origin of life (abiogenesis) research (Brian Miller: Thermodynamics and the Origin of Life ) with graduate students, post-docs, and faculty in physics and biology.
Discuss hermeneutical theories of Genesis with a Hebrew professor (Is Dual Authorship Coherent? )
Read about state of the art integrative research combining computational biology and Christian faith (Three Stories on Adam )
Talk with people representing Young Earth Creationism, Old Earth Creationism, Evolutionary Creationism, Theistic Evolution, Agnostics, Atheists, and various positions in-between and, for the most part, get along while discussing deeply held convictions about the very complicated “big questions” of life.
Feel free to have more questions than answers.
Basically all at the same place (and time, which can cause problems for sleep patterns).
Oh how far we’ve come. I’m glad we are growing into something better.