And automatic background subtraction, it turns out, can also manifest in intriguing, unexpected ways. Take a counterintuitive finding that Tadin and his colleagues made in 2003: We’re good at perceiving the movements of small objects, but if those objects are simply made bigger, we find it much more difficult to detect their motion.
This is more of lots of research that shows whst we see is editted. We don’t see the REAL world but only a recording. these details show the recording is editted.
In other words we have never seen anything except a memory of what is outside our skulls.
Since we only look at a memory the memory does select what we look at. For whatever reasson.
however the failure in these researches is not recognizing we are just looking at a memory video. Thery think we really are looking at something by some process and only later, seconds, do we put it in our memory.
its just our mind/memory at work here and not our soul.