A New Generation Wants a Better Way

I think you’re being too hard on Biologos. Historically, ID tried to market itself as a legitimate scientific alternative in the secular arena, so it has a burden of proof to create its own research program. In contrast, my perception was that Biologos was only meant to be an advocacy organization dedicated to communicating science to Christians and emphasizing that it doesn’t conflict with faith. Most scientifically active TE/ECs are too busy to have a dedicated TE/EC research program - the majority of them are doing “normal research programs”, such as directing the NIH in the case of Collins.

Secondly, even if Biologos was founded on theologically naive foundations, the reality is that evangelical Christian scientists have had to come to terms between science and faith for a long time, way before sophisticated theologians started poking around and snickering at their simple theology. A lot of these scientists felt moved to share their personal story with others. Is there something wrong with that?

To put it bluntly, Collins’ The Language of God played a HUGE role in my formation as a Christian and aspiring scientist. Without that book I would not be a professing Christian and physics graduate student at Harvard right now, period. (Fortunately as a teenager I was not theologically sophisticated enough as you to realize that Collins’ theology was not top-notch.) I understand that sometimes TE/EC leaders can sound naive, arrogant, and stubborn, but can’t we appreciate that they have done some good?

Gauger and Marks are about the same age as the older people you mentioned. It’s unfair to characterize TE/EC leaders as older - Biologos, for example, has Venema, Sethupathy, and Josh before he left. I would also imagine that most young Christian scientists would prefer to lay low and pursue a normal research career first until they obtain a permanent, tenured position. I see potential future leaders of TE/EC in graduate Christian fellowships around my campus everyday. They will find the time to defend TE/EC when they are ready.