Hi everyone .Im a cessationist myself but i was wondering what view is the mosr correct taking in consideration both science and the Bible?For me the cessationist view is the most probable since wer dont see the supernatural in nowdays happening anymore.
It would help those of us who aren’t conversant with the ins and outs of Protestant (?) theology if you would explain those terms in some detail.
Wow, wouldn’t have imagined this topic showing up at Peaceful Science!
Sadly I have a dedline today, so can’t spend a half an hour on a post.
Cessassionism just says that all, or most of the miraculous stuff was intended by God to kickstart the Church, and that it (the miraculous stuff) died out with the first Aposltes. Continuationism says that the miraculous stuff still happens, or at least, that there is no argument from the text that it ever stopped.
I’ll just say, I’m a continuationist, for sure!!! It’s the better representation of the text by a thousand miles, PLUS, I see the stuff that cessassionists deny happening today.
There ya go, if you don’t like what I post about the Bible, now you have sufficient reason to reject continuationism. Warning, though, asking God to do cool stuff is lots of fun.
I find it interesting that most YECs now days are fundamentalists, and fundamentalists are usually cessationalists. So they deny most miracles in present dat, but insisting is miracles everywhere in the recent past.
A huge part of the worldview is denial of any ongoing revelation, which puts them at odds with charismatics, their own roots in seventh day Adventism, the larger evangelical movement, and even their own model of origins.
That is a very western thing to say . What has been your experiences talking to Christians in other parts of the world? Have you spent much time in conversation with charismatic Christians or churches?
I live in Greece actually and consider myself an Orthodox Christian(although its a mix of pretestant and orthodox theology ).For instance i dont believe in Saints and differ in miracles as the church here claims.We have a lot of “supposed” miracles here.I dont know if my church is a charismatic church and i dont think ive ever been in contact with one of them.Its interesting to me that the most continuastists who claim miracles still happen they only bring up examples of christians experiecing them when they are asked about them.So in my mind something is skecthy here.Plus science disagrees with recent miracle claims no?
Eastern Orthodox is not charismatic per se, but may house a Charismatic Movement within it. I don’t know if that is the case or if it is visible in Greece. Perhaps go to a local Pentecostal church that you find on the internet, and tell us how that conversation goes. Or talk to missionaries in your denomination.
There are certainly are unsubstantiated miracle claims, but that doesn’t make them false…or true. Likewise there are claims that do seem in wild conflict with the evidence.
What I think we can say is that either there are no more miracles, or they are exceedingly rare, or they are more common but God doesn’t seem concerned with presenting them to us in a way that would be picked up by scientific inquiry (and I’m not sure why he would in the first place).
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