Dan Eastwood needs a cartoon for his office door

In appreciation for all that @Dan_Eastwood does to keep this Peaceful Science forum running smoothly, here’s one I made with him in mind:

Perhaps this cartoon would also suit @swamidass’ office door.


By the way, @Dan_Eastwood, the hardest part of doing this cartoon was getting the A.I. engine to put an appropriate bell curve on the computer screen. It took trial-and-error because—despite what AI companies claim— extra-detailed descriptions do not necessarily produce better images. I find that the AI engine easily gets “overwhelmed” and gives up.

In this case I felt like I got lucky that after a lot of non-leptokurtic graphs---- and even many graphs which were not bell curves at all—this one appeared and even put the computer screen subtly yet clearly in the background.

Sometimes the A.I. result is unintentionally funnier than my original idea.


There is a name for the fifth-order statistical moment, “Leptosis”, but it is rarely used - so rarely that is doesn’t show up in Google search just now!

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Hmmm. And there is even comic potential (and drama potential) in “statistical moment.”

There are also “Central Moments”, if that helps?

I had thought a bit about central moments—and perhaps having some fun with “You’ve got a negative Third Central Moment”— but wondered if I would start losing a lot of biologists, for example, who remember their grad school stats course (even if they no longer are using much of that knowledge in current job), but wouldn’t get the joke if I got too technical.

By the way, I was thinking about lines from rom-coms like “I think the moment has passed” (and apply it to a gastrointestinal joke) but at some point I lose about 97% of the audience!

I also have thought of a much easier statistics joke like having a scene from some disaster movie or impending meteor strike movie and having the scientists and generals looking at a graph on a big screen and the mathematician says, “Gentlemen, I think we’re skewed.” [instead of “screwed”]


Statistical jokes:

“The Bureau of Incomplete Statistics reports that two out of three.”

“A statistician is a person who is good with numbers but lacks the personality to be an accountant.”


There was a third one, but it wasn’t funny.

One of my personal favorites is “Four out of three Americans are really bad at statistics.”

Oh good, now we are back up to three statistics jokes! :wink:

There are more, but “There are three statistics jokes, and only two of them are funny,” is a opening joke I like to make when giving a presentation.

“There are three statistics jokes, and only 50% are funny” makes a nice variation on that. :slight_smile:


I just may make a cartoon out of that one.


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