sounds about the size of Jan 6… Trump rallies are generally 30 to 50 K. its not hard to have 100 or even 200K.
Just stop. The logistics of moving, supplying, arming, feeding an army of 186,000 would be almost impossible today, even with all our technology. Jerusalem had maybe a population of 5000 many of whom were women and children. A couple hundred men would have been enough to conquer Jerusalem at that time. Again, the story is a metaphor. You have more excuses than Carter had Little Liver pills.
I would have never thought that. I thought there was a special sort of endearment for you.
I am not one for traveling like a few people I know, but I travel almost every day using google maps. Its the poor mans bus ticket to the world.
If you did a bit of that you can see that there is just to much history in each culture and when you investigate and look into traditions and historical events you always brush up against the effects of Christianity in history as well as the Jewish faith and some others as well. You should get out more. Even on a poor mans ticket and you will find Christianity and Judaism are not inventions from the 3 and 400’s
And we know you are not that stupid not to know that. People know you know. Josephus - Wikipedia
There is both.
You flatter yourself.
Not defending the numbers, and the siege was probably broken by Sennacherib’s troubles elsewhere rather than anything like Lord Byron’s poem. The point is that this narrative concerned local events of Mesopotamian geopolitics around 700 BC, before the rise of Greece, or for that matter Babylon or Persia.
No there isn’t. Unless you’re talking about events that happened in the sky. What history is in the Bible exactly? The six-day creation, the flood, the Exodus, the Conquest, the resurrection of Jesus, the travels of Paul? What? Name it and claim it. I get it. You’re embarrassed that you ever fell for these stories in the past, and someone as erudite as you could never have been totally fooled like that, so they must be at least somewhat historical. This is the Western arrogance that keeps unbelievers like you from criticizing Christianity. “We know all religions are false but at least our European religion is based on real people and real events - not like the religions of those POC.” Western and white supremacy on steroids. Well, you’re wrong. Christianity is just as bogus and stupid as any other religion and in most cases even more so.
I can state with confidence that no one in management hates you, @Boris_Badenoff. As for arrogance, you are hardly in a position to be accusing others. Contact me privately if you want to discuss.
Well that’s no fun for the rest of us!
None of the people on this site had ever even heard of the astrology and Homeric parallels that are in the Bible until I brought them up. Yet in a quick minute they all became such experts on these things that they could tell someone who has researched these things for decades that he’s wrong and they all know better. Now that is arrogance gone into orbit. I provided diagrams, essays, charts and posts that show how the biblical writers hinted to their audience these stories are not to be taken literally. My critics responded with, well, nothing. Unless you think “Is so! You’re wrong! Are too!” counts for reasonable responses.
I didn’t see any parallels. Is that a woke thing? saying something totally ridiculous and then wanting people to accept it as fact? I want people to address me with my personal pronoun. Sir Goodness.
You are definitely full of it. And the bible generally is its own Narrator. The writers generally are clear as to what they are doing… If its a vision or if it is an actual event or if it was some slur they are told and believe. Your story line is far less credible than the bible. Sorry everyone will say the Name of Jesus for thousands of years. They wont know who Boris is.
That’s because when you read the Bible you don’t know what you’re reading. When comes to parallels you don’t know how to identify them.
Odyssey 10-12 - Acts 20:7-12
Odyssey: Odysseus and crew left Troy
Acts: Paul and crew stopped at Troas having left Achaea to sail back to Jerusalem
Odyssey: Narration switches to first person plural
Acts: Narration switches to first person plural
Odyssey: After a trip, Odysseus and his crew had a meal.
Acts: After their trip, the believers and Paul had a meal.
Odyssey: Disaster struck at night.
Acts: Disaster struck at midnight.
Odyssey: The crew slept in Circe’s darkened halls.
Acts: “There were plenty of lamps in the upper room.”
Odyssey: Elpenor fell into a “sweet sleep.”
Acts: Eutychus fell into a “deep sleep.”
Odyssey: The narration now switches to third person singular.
Acts: The narration now switches to third person singular.
Odyssey: “There was one, Elpenor, the youngest.”
Acts: “A certain young man named Eutychus”
Odyssey: Elpenor fell from the roof.
Acts: Eutychus fell from the third story.
Odyssey: Elpenor’s soul went to Hades
Acts: Eutychus’s soul remained in him.
Odyssey: Associates found the dead body.
Acts: Associates found the body, alive.
Odyssey: Elpenor was not buried until morning.
Acts: Eutychus was not raised alive until morning.
Like clockwork, the gods of religion eventually become the gods of mythology and that is what has happened to Jesus. The party’s over for Jesus and Christianity.
Wow. none of them are even close. Not even lined up with content. So If I say my son wept I can say that Jesus copied it when they wrote Jesus wept. LoL
I knew you wouldn’t get it.The evangelist is neither a copier or a slave to his models. It’s just hilarious that something written 2000 years ago is still too sophisticated for you, Dan and the rest of them. You’re looking for the kind of wooden, word for word parallels that we find in the gospels between Luke and Matthew and their source material that is in Mark. If you don’t know what you’re reading the parallels between Homer and Mark will naturally appear weaker. These require patience, knowledge of the Homer and other Greek texts and some generosity in order to discover and appreciate them. The parallels pertain to plot elements and motifs, not copying. They conceal and reveal, occult and disclose. What Mark does is called trans-valuation which was quite common in antiquity. Sometimes the imitations are parodies. This form of imitation was ζηλος or “rivalry.” The source material for these emulations is known to the readers and so they recognize the trans-valuation’s attempt “to speak better.” Telemachus fed 4500 but Jesus fed 5000. Jesus is compared to Odysseus but pictured as more compassionate, noble, powerful and inured to suffering than Odysseus. Hector and Jesus both die at the end of the story but Jesus is raised from the dead. The authors of Homer and Mark lived and wrote in different cultural (mythical versus historical settings), religious (many Gods versus one God), literary (poetry versus prose) and political worlds.
Students in ancient Greek schools learned to write through mimesis or in Latin schools’ text. Jewish poets also imitated Homer, On the Jews by Theodotus, The Book of Tobit, On Jerusalem by Philo Epicus and Sosates of Alexandria.
There are six criteria used to detect intertextual referencing: accessibility or availability, interpretability or intelligibility, analogy, density, order and distinctiveness. All words you can’t even define.
is still too sophisticated for modern readers. You’re looking for the kind of wooden, word for word parallels that we find in the gospels between Luke and Matthew and their source material that is in Mark. If you don’t know what you’re reading the parallels between Homer and Mark will naturally appear weaker. These require patience, knowledge of the Homer and other Greek texts and some generosity in order to discover and appreciate them. The parallels pertain to plot elements and motifs, not copying. They conceal and reveal, occult and disclose. What Mark does is called trans-valuation which was quite common in antiquity. Sometimes the imitations are parodies. This form of imitation was ζηλος or “rivalry.” The source material for these emulations is known to the readers and so they recognize the trans-valuation’s attempt “to speak better.” Telemachus fed 4500 but Jesus fed 5000. Jesus is compared to Odysseus but pictured as more compassionate, noble, powerful and inured to suffering than Odysseus. Hector and Jesus both die at the end of the story but Jesus is raised from the dead. The authors of Homer and Mark lived and wrote in different cultural (mythical versus historical settings), religious (many Gods versus one God), literary (poetry versus prose) and political worlds.
Students in ancient Greek schools learned to write through mimesis or in Latin schools imitatio. Jewish poets also imitated Homer, On the Jews by Theodotus, The Book of Tobit, On Jerusalem by Philo Epicus and Sosates of Alexandria.
He buddy, I literally did this work. I literally went over Early Christian writers and connected verses to the original. Its literally a thing I have done. exactly. Binders filled with references. I read the bible that much that I could literally pick out the link from the new testament writer and then I could Identify the verse they were taking it from. Your work, its garbage.
I was just thinking about the Parallel scriptures that the New Testament has to the Old Testament. you know its on purpose. There is literally 100’s of intentional references. its literally the thing they want to do… Jesus literally is quoted reading from Isaiah. They literally are intentionally saying, in the scripture it says this and that is fulfilled by him doing this.
A quick example is Psalms 22. Jesus is not trying to lie or put fast one by new testament people and writers are not trying to steal a verse out to use it for their wrongful purpose to forge a document. They are literally recording what he said and tying it Psalms 2… My God My God why has thou forsaken me… And poof… Any reader in just a few seconds realizes where they verse came from and why they are tying the two together… There is no nefarious actions.
There are no originals. Sheesh! Do you know anything about the Bible? Go ahead prove my work is garbage.
You proved your work garbage when you posted it. It was on its face bad work.
As for originals. when it comes to original documents. The bible of all documents has more copies and old documents which are either a copy of the original or the original and Things like the Dead sea scrolls show that over the last 2000-2500 years those documents were not invented but copies of documents which may have been original or close to it.
The New Testament is slightly different. We have actual copies, fragments which show what we have wasn’t invented in the 400’s and early christian writers and historians get us back before 100 AD. Unless you try and say its all a conspiracy. here is just a couple of examples:
at the end it shows that Matthew Mark john and Revelations are dated in the 100’s and we know that there is a history of intentional partisanship to wrongly date them out of sink by as much as 200 years. this goes for artifacts as well as documents. And its done by people like you. A document is clearly a early writing even an original and then its wrongly dated with the evidence of " out of abundant caution." which is no evidence at all. The facts there even with a finger on the scale shows you are wrong.
Take extra special care to look at B52 and B90
I’m still intrigued by the idea that a group of Jewish scholars, living and working in Alexandria around 270 BCE collated/edited/produced the first version of the Old Testament in Greek and Hebrew. I’ve brought it up tentatively elsewhere and got the sort of reaction I expected. One point raised was the Ketef hinnom amulets.
The argument is that the texts recorded on the amulets (dated to around 600 BCE) include the Priestly Blessing of Numbers 6 so the OT must be at least as old.
Okay let’s apply their argument to Egyptian amulets in the shape of a cross that date more than 1000 years before the supposed time of Christ. This means that the idea of a crucified godman certainly did not originate in the New Testament. Watch their heads explode when you tell them they can’t have both ways. The notion that the entire Old Testament must have existed because a variation of a probably well-known blessing was included in a text is about as ridiculous and desperate as most other apologetic arguments.
Some of the dead sea scrolls are dated 3rd Century BC and then there is the Nash Papyri around 150 which might actually be 250 BC…