Gpuccio: Functional Information Methodology

I will start from this statement to deal with what I call the central/core of ID theory.

You must understand that when I was requested to write a summary of my methodology to measure FI in proteins, I did exactly that. I did not include a complete description of ID theory.

Of course, being a very convinced supporter of ID theory, it was very natural for me to conflate the measurement of very high values of FI with an inference to design, because that’s exactly what ID theory warrants. But now, having discussed in some detail the rationale of my measurement of FI in proteins, the focus can shift to ID theory itself. In brief, what is the connection between complex FI and design? And how does that connection apply to biological objects?

An important premise is that my personal approach to ID theory is completely empirical. It requires no special philosophy or worldview, except some good epistemology and philosophy of science. It is, I believe, completely scientific. And it has no connections with any theology. It has always been my personal choice to avoid any reference to theological arguments in all my scientific discussions about ID theory. And I will stick to that choice here too.

More in next post.