‘Whatabout’ him? If he is not an HIV-denier nor an anti-vaxxer, that would already make him better than RFK Jr. by a long mile.
Of course, people like RFK Jr. shouldn’t be used as a benchmark to judge someone’s competence related to public health. It’s like comparing someone to arsonists when deciding whether they are qualified to be a firefighter… but then here we are… with an ‘arsonist leading the fire department’.
I read the full thing. There isn’t anything ‘specifically’ bad about it… nor is there much ‘specifically’ good since there is not much ‘specific’ to be found within it. It’s worded in a way that is like saying ‘We are going to do good things and not do bad things’, which sounds neat but what ‘specifically’ are they going to do to address public health? That’s not stated. In fact, the only planned actions that are mentioned is them planning to provide an ‘assessment’ within 100 days of the EO publication and based on that assessment they are going to submit ‘strategy’ to the president within 180 days of the EO publication, whic promises to:
…address appropriately restructuring the Federal Government’s response to the childhood chronic disease crisis, including by ending Federal practices that exacerbate the health crisis or unsuccessfully attempt to address it, and by adding powerful new solutions that will end childhood chronic disease.
But again… exactly what ‘federal practices’ are they going to end and what ‘powerful new solutions’ will they advocate for? Are the recommendations going to be sound? We will have to wait and see.
What doesn’t give me hope is RFK Jr. As mentioned, he is an HIV denier. He claims AIDS is caused by “the gay life style” and “poppers” specifically. He is also a well-known anti-vaxxer. Despite his insistence of not being against vaccines, he has flat-out stated that “there are no safe and effective vaccines” on a Lex Fridman podcast. What is he going to do when there is an outbreak of a disease for which there is a working vaccine available?
Oh wait… there already is one of Measles… because of course there is.
RFK Jr. will probably not promote vaccination in order to prevents such outbreaks. And RFK Jr. doesn’t exactly have a stellar record with Measles specifically… and that’s putting it mildly. The infamous Samoa 2019 outbreak which followed a sharp decline of vaccination, which in turn was due to anti-vaxxers abusing the death of 2 children who died in 2018 because nurses incorrectly prepared the MMR vaccine by mixing the vaccine powder with expired Atracurium (a muscle relaxant) instead of sterile water. The muscle relaxant was the cause of death, not the vaccine itself. However, anti-vaxxers don’t care about the facts and they spread the myth of vaccines killing children on social media from 2018 to 2019. One of them was RFK Jr. who visited Samoa in June 2019 and he also talked to the prime minister. Only a few months after RFK’s visit, the outbreak began eventually killing 83. To this day RFK Jr. doesn’t show any regrets or changing his tune after this event.
There are also various others crank beliefs to be noted. RFK has dabbled into outright Germ theory denialism; repeating the classic Germ-Denialist claim that on his death bed Louis Pasteur recanted his own Germ theory and admitted Antoine Béchamp’s Terrain theory was right. Related to this, he promotes raw milk over pasteurized milk; despite the fact that the former is not more nutritious but substantial increases the risk of infectious disease. There are also other problems I have, like his simple solutions to complex problems, e.g. replacing seed oil with beef tallow, but these are rather minor compared to the aforementioned issues.
Another reason for my lack of hope is Trump and the republicans, who also don’t have a good track record for promoting public health either. Trump promised to come up with a replacement of Obama care, but all he got was - quote - “concepts of a plan” - end quote - years later. The republicans still they tried to repeal Obama care anyway even without something to replace it, which luckily did not work because of the epic thumbs-down by Obama’s very opponent, John McCain. One of those instances when a republican did a good thing, but is also hated by their own party for it. Furthermore, Trump’s administration restricted dietary science used to update food guidelines. Specific discussions that were omitted were those on:
…sodium levels or considering the effects of red meat or ultra-processed foods, even though these are a growing part of Americans’ diet.
…any recommendations concerning the effect on the environment of large scale beef consumption.
And while I am on this…
The Trump administration also rolled back health and nutrition standards on school lunch food (originally championed by Michelle Obama), allowing more pizzas, fries and burgers while providing less fruits, veggies and whole grains. The people previously in charged were definitely not “luminaries”, but a lot better than Trump and RFK Jr.
Yes, it’s the health, insurance, and food industries which operate to maximize profit even if it comes at the expensive of people’s rights to health care and adequate nutrition. This is one point that RFK Jr. would likely agree with when asked, but there are two things to consider.
(1) There are people like Bernie Sanders who have raised awareness of these issues, but without the pseudo-scientific crankery baggage of the caliber that RFK Jr. carries. That’s not to say I don’t have any problems with Bernie Sanders, e.g. he is anti-nuclear (and so is RFK Jr.).
On a related note, during the recent confirmation hearings, Bernie Sanders raised some of the very same points that you are making here to RFK Jr., e.g. the fact that the US spends more money per capita on health to other developed nations, while still having lower life expectancy, which is especially the case for working-class people who are dying 6 to 7 years earlier than the top 1%. Sanders asked whether he would agree that health care should be guaranteed by the US government as a human right. RFK Jr. responded with the following:
In the way that free speech is a human right? I would say it is different, because if - with free speech it doesn’t cost anybody anything, but in health care if you smoke cigarettes for 20 years and you get cancer, do you - you are now taking from the pool…
Very telling how RFK Jr. suddenly re-frames public health issues, putting it on personal responsibility instead of the for profit industries. So, according to people like Bobby, if you get sick “That’d be a you problem” and ‘don’t make it a financial burden on the system’… Oh brother, this guy STINKS!!
(2) The second point to consider is the fact that RFK Jr. has firmly aligned himself with the very ilk who are starkly opposed to his own principles. Specifically his principles that are good also IMO. For example, RFK Jr. is well known for being an environmental activist prior to when his anti-vax phase kicked-off. He advocates renewable energy to tackle climate change. Both environmental protection and climate change are related to public health too. Yet, RFK Jr. is now buddies with people who don’t think these are real issues. Trump thinks climate change is a hoax concocted by the Chinese. In 2016, RFK Jr. said Trump supporters ranged from “belligerent idiots” to “outright Nazis”. He even stated that Trump is a “threat to democracy” and compared him to Hitler and George Wallace.
Why was RFK Jr. willing to compromise his pro-environmental principles that motivated him for many decades? My guess… RFK Jr. was desperate to become relevant in government. He first tried running as a democrat, then he tried as an independent, but eventually caved in and endorsed Trump… which proved to be the path of least resistance to power that RFK Jr. was looking for. Bobby is an opportunist.
Also, FYI (since you made this relevant). Bobby takes testosterone… which, despite bobby’s instance to the contrary, is indeed an anabolic steroid.