Here he is after a week of vacation:
Caution, the cartoon above contains a large measure of truth.
This was a planned ten day hike in the Grand Canyon, but I was so exhausted I opted to hike out early while the rest of the group went the full distance. This is rather humbling, since I was the youngest in the group by at least 8 years.
Some photos:
Not many people bother to take a major detour on their vacation in order to visit “Baphomet-land Wilderness Park and Petting Zoo.”
I won’t lower myself to the indignity of pointing out the fact that that is one horny goat.
Technically a young Bighorn sheep. This was unprecedented, as you normally can’t get anywhere close to them, but it seems this guy had been mooching from the tourists.
Later in the hike we saw an adult ram with a full spiral resting in full view of the trail. Simply amazing.
Yeah, you wonder exactly how that particular goat had learned to be braver than the others in order to get a snack. Probably similar to the genetics of “docility” found in fox breeding.
Of course, uncontrolled snacking explains why that goat has been prescribed Ozempic off-label.
The Bible separates the sheep from the goats, but YEC likes to place them in the same Baramin.
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