This is a fairly short interview with my publisher that hit on some important points. The Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) session on my book is on November 19, 2020 for three hours, starting at 1:30pm. The respondents are:
- William Lane Craig
- Andrew Loke (@Andrew_Loke)
- Ken Keathley (@kkeathley)
- Richard Averbeck
I’ve seen a preview of their responses and they are really interesting. Some of the reviews from YECs (John Sanford, Rob Carter, Marcus Ross, and Hans Madume) are engaged in detail by both Keathley and Loke.
The AAR session is on December 1, and the respondents are:
- Michael Heiser
- Greg Cootsona (@Cootsona)
- Paul Metzger
- Ken Miller
And then I feel like I just discovered a treasure, or I found out, “Wait a minute, that’s not a wall. That’s actually a door. And I can turn the knob and turn and go here. And you thought that was a boundary, but look at this gigantic space. And man, what a great place to explore. Come and explore it with me.”
That is still really what’s so exciting about this. It’s not that this gives a final answer. It just shows a place where we thought everything was stuck and well figured out in terms of where everything laid, and there’s just going to be intransigent conflict for the foreseeable future. We just found out that there was a door we forgot to open, and it just opened up this wide, wide space. And it’s really inviting and exciting.