Looking for a Software Programmer That Cares About Faith/Science Dialogue

Do you know a software programmer that would like to help with a side project that could help the faith science conversation along?

I’m a software developer. Please contact me with more information of what you need.


Nice to meet you @EdBrown. Thanks for the interest. I’ll explain in a PM to you in a moment. If you know other developers that might be interested, invite them along.

And welcome to Peaceful Science, @EdBrown :slight_smile:


Greetings, 1st timer here (I heard about this from evograd a few weeks ago, but more on that later).
I couldn’t help but notice this question because I match both topics:

"Software Programmer" - Microsoft stack: ASP.NET/MVC, C#, HTML/CSS/jQuery, TSQL, Xamarin

"Cares About Faith/Science Dialogue" - A big topic to me. Full disclosure: I’m a Biblical Creationists. After 25 years of following this topic, I’ve determined Biblical Creation is the best combination of science and faith (and btw I find science more fulfilling as a creationist). So my “dialogue” on that topic would be completely one-sided.

I don’t have a great deal of free-time, but if your technologies needed match those I listed above, I may be able to be of assistance.


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A post was merged into an existing topic: Introducing Jeffb