Pre-Print: Brief Population Bottlenecks Are Beyond The Genetic Streetlight

I have not added an acknowledgment section but I do plan to do so. I am not aware of any contributions to this by @glipsnort. I’ll run the acknowledgement section by Richard eventually to be sure he is credited correctly. I’m not sure about how to cite the non journal publications here (e.g. TMR4A).

Back in 2018, I individually invited Buggs, Schaffner, and Venema to collaborate with me in writing a paper on this. They all declined. Then this happened. I can disclose now that a BioLogos staff member intervened to disrupt dissemination of my work. I am grateful that the ASA apologized for their part in this.

This interference derailed things for a few years, in part because I didn’t want to throw an undergrad (Jack at the time) into the line of fire.