I really don’t know besides the fact that it needs to be acknowledged, taught, and discussed and not just in history of science courses, ethics courses, but in science curricula. Also, this is somewhat separate but I think there is a connection… I don’t think it’s helpful that so many scientist have this hyper-rational identity about the kind of science that intersects with race. I’m thinking of Razib Khan, Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett, etc. (all of whom I deeply respect in just about all other ways). Harris bemoans identity politics, but seems to miss that his hyper-rationality is itself an identity that he’s very much invested in. That kind of how-can-it-be-offensive-if-its-true attitude is what got us into eugenics in the first place because it absolves people in their mind of any responsibility for the consequences of what they do and say. Sorry this was a bit rambling.