I don’t think much else needs to be said. Russia’s wedge strategy worked, the US is severing ties to basically all their allies. They almost succeeded with the UK when they got the UK to leave the EU. But what could be better than the US breaking ties with Europe? I predict the US leaving NATO in the next 6 months.
I might have to fast-forward my prediction to within the next 3 months.
They even stated it on Russian national TV. That they’ve been working trying to saw the west into pieces and are now shocked to discover the US doing it all by themselves. Sheer insanity.
The west didn’t win the cold war. The conclusion has just been delayed 30 years, and the next 4 will be decisive. The old communist alliance between Russia, China, and North Korea is closer to total victory than at any point in the past when the Soviet Union existed.
The old KGB Gremlin—who seems to have held a grudge for over 30 years (and is apparently just as vindictive as Trump)—has been working all this time to break up the NATO alliance and isolate the US and Europe from each other.
It’s actually been an ingenious strategy to exploit the already existing sentiment among conservative americans that other countries are freeloaders exploiting the US, that the US government can’t be trusted, is corrupt, and must be replaced (drain the swamp) with populists (and it’s not that there isn’t some grain of truth to this), to tarnish the people who have been fighting against Russian influence as being responsible for creating many of the country’s ills such as drug epidemics and mass immigration issues.
They’ve been actively using this same strategy to try to break up the EU by making it seem like the EU is this massive bureaucratic social-engineering entity of semi-socialist globalists (pick your favorite negative interpretation of that term) trying to foist immigrants on individual European countries and create some sort of new world order.
What is most amazing to me now is how many people have still to catch on to this pattern. How Russia has been working tirelessly for 30 years fomenting these viewpoints by exploiting the paranoia among right-wingers and conservatives, to drive wedges between neighbors and allies.