This is some racist Bull$h!t from the DI

Here is a spokesman for the DI, a right-wing and overwhelmingly white and Christian organization, attempting to pin some of the sins of white supremacy on a brown person from an Asian country that was brutally colonized by white europeans. 18%20AM


What does @swamidass have to do with that?

Joshua did you exhibit Africans to “prove Darwin’s theory of missing link” back in… 18/19th century?


I think the DI needs to release a statement apologizing for the history of racism in Seattle. Shame on them for being in a geographic location.


Yikes, given what we’ve already had quite a bit of discussion here (Reckoning With Human Zoos), this seems like a bad road for them to go down in any case.


They forcefully sent Japanese Americans to internment camps in WWII.


It seems that David Klinghoffer loves to employ the logical fallacy known as the Association fallacy (aka the Guilt by Association fallacy.) Logic textbooks classify it as a type of non sequitur. Of course, propagandists so often use this argument linking the Theory of Evolution to racism because it is extremely effective with the general public.

How sad.


Klinghoffer is probably busy investigating this as we speak.

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I think the DI needs to release a statement apologizing for the history of racism in Seattle. Shame on them for being in a geographic location.

As the Bible says, “Let he who is without home cast the first stone”.


Interesting tweet.

Just yesterday there was a racist insult proudly thrown at me on facebook too. From an ID supporter. This happens when white groups feel threatened. Klinghoffer’s tweet at least isn’t an insult. Give it some time. This too shall pass.

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The core of the DI strategy seems to be based on demonization.

Demonize Darwinism. Demonize materialism. Demonize anyone who disagrees with ID as a Darwinist and materialist. Blame Darwin for racism. Blame Darwin for Hitler.

Honestly, I cannot see anything Christian about what they do. Christianity, as I understood it, was all about “love your neighbor”. And this demonization had no place in that kind of Christianity.


@agauger and @pnelson, this kind of stunt does nothing but hurt the DI if it is trying to become more accepted as a serious scientific organization. I mention the two of you because I trust your good character and motives.


Let’s give Klinghoffer the benefit of the doubt.

He meantions common ground and know that I have spoken about racism before. Perhaps he wants me to speak positively about West’s work as a place of common ground.

I will reach out to him and see.

Klinghoffer is not a Christian. He is an observant Jew. They also have their own dark experience suffering under racism too.