I am wondering whether the scientists here could comment on the one book in their field that they wish lay-people like me read.
There are too many books in the world, and no real guidance.
Frankly I am horrendously uninformed, at some point in my life I would like to become a bit more so. That said, I will never become a scientist and I know a high level book will not make me one. Can’t hurt to get a bit of a better simplified understanding though
Carl Zimmer is an excellent and highly readable author on biology and evolution. His latest book, She has her mother’s laugh, is about genetics and heredity and has received lots of praise. Though it is sitting on my shelf, I have not yet read it.
Then depending on what piques your interest there are lots of specialized books on paleontology, evo-devo, tetrapod colonization of land, Cambrian explosion, etc.
Of course Dawkins’ The Ancestor’s Tale is always a good place to start.
This is not a popularization, but I think you might find it readable: Speciation, by Jerry Coyne and H. Allen Orr. Also the textbook Tree Thinking, by David A. Baum and Stacy D. Smith. And while we’re on the subject of textbooks, Evolution, by Doug Futuyma.
Besides more formal textbook material, here are a few pop-sci books that are well worth reading.
Richard Dawkins’ The Selfish Gene is an outstanding book, and seeks to explain how seemingly selfless and cooperative behavior can in principle evolve from what is essentially the self-interests of genes.
I will add dittos to The Selfish Gene and to anything by Carl Zimmer.
The Beak of the Finch by Jonathan Weiner won a Pulitzer Prize and is one of my favorite books that involves evolution. You will meet the Grants and be inspired by their commitment to the long-term project of the Galapagos finches. Another great read is The Song of the Dodo by David Quammen, in which you will meet Alfred Russell Wallace and learn about biogeography and extinction. Both of these books are not “technical” and are instead stories about people and places. I recommend both of them very highly.
To be honest, I am an equal opportunity reader. My primary interest is in languages but really I am open to being exposed to anything. Without suggestions I am unlikely to know that I might enjoy it. For example, I am currently reading a book chapter on dynamic syntax, just because it was in a book on something I have an interest in. I had never heard of it before and am not competent to really understand it, but I like the challenge. Even just to start to comprehend the complexity that I wasn’t aware of is enjoyable for me
If the material is up to date and is accessible enough with some effort put in, then I am open to finding something interesting.
Another favourite of mine is this one, explaining in a lot of detail the process of human development from fertilised egg to baby (TL;DR simple signalling leads to complex patterns):
On the fish one, I think I once heard that the testes develop inside as an embryo and come out during as the foetus grows and that this is some sort of evolutionary throwback to fish?
It deals with trust gullibility and communication from an evolutionary perspective
Some fascinating things in there on the behaviour our of animals that seems counter-intuitive, such as leaping up and down when seeing a predator, or issuing warning calls even when habitually alone. He explains such behaviour in terms of letting the predator know that they have seen it, and not necessarily just warning others of the predator. He carries the notions involved over to human communication