I would not advocate treating any participant of this forum with less than common respect.
However respect is a two-way street, and is likely to wear thin when one side appears to indulge in evasive, obfuscative, and/or misrepresentative (as Nelson’s recent blatant quotemine of Carroll demonstrated) tactics, that may be viewed as less than respectful of its audience.
This is why I have little-to-no trust of Nelson (or for that matter anybody else that I can think of associated with the Discovery Institute).
Addendum: my justification to calling Nelson’s Carroll quote a “quotemine” can be found here: Comments on Why Spier Distrusts
r_speir objects to that label (see below). You may disagree with my reasoning, and I would welcome reasoned criticism of my position.
I cannot however say that I’m particularly happy at having this justification split off from r_speir’s objection, particularly as it calls my position “Malarkey” & “Ridiculous” without substantiation – hardly a civil response.