I Was Never Taught Where Humans Came From

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Looks like you were ninja’d by davecarlson.

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Alas, looks like my poor thread was closed, so it will be Patrick who reaps all the glory.
This is Reddit, right?

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I’m sorry, but I think you posted this first by a few minutes, so the honor is all yours. :sunglasses:


Haha! Well thanks. In any case, the article was fairly interesting, and I hope that it will produce a nice discussion that I don’t want to derail any further! :slight_smile:

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me too. thanks for being a good sport. :sunglasses:

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image I was never taught anything about evolution. But of course I grew up in a state that had textbook disclaimer stickers in it arguing against it.


Wow. Does Alabama still put that disclaimer in biology textbooks? Did they put similar disclaimers in geology or astronomy textbooks? I wonder if other states do that or did that? They are really playing on the false notion that scientific theories are little more than guesses. I guess they read some Ken Ham tracts so they are qualified to critique modern biology. :roll_eyes:

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I’m not sure.

Lololol. This is Alabama. I don’t even think those classes are offered.