The Abuse of Science by Scientists?

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Thank you so much for realizing that it is the ENGINEERS who take the knowledge gained by science and turn it into useful technology for the benefit of humanity.

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Glad to be of help…:slight_smile:
I am an engineer too by the way…

Without engineers, doctors would still be treating people with chants and rattles. :smile:

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This is true for the common straw-man versions of ID but not for ID itself. How well to you think you understand the ID hypothesis?

Enough to know it is not science. Enough to know that it is creationism which is religion wrapped up to look like science. Enough to know that I will work long and hard to prevent it from getting within 1000 feet of a public school.

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So then I assume you can support this claim? I think starting with a definition of creationism and ID is a good place and showing how ID fits into the definition of creationism.

What if it was taught as philosophy? So you don’t want anyone in school learning about it? Should we ban all publications of books like Darwin’s black box?

@Ashwin_s, the answer is obvious:

The court has to decide what is science or not.

But within science… peer review tells us what science is the best science…or at least if it is valid science.

Two different reviews… two different purposes.

That is a dangerous trend for science.

Ideally this should be true…

If you could recruit enough SCI FI fans to give the Promethius scenario some credibility… you might have a chance. But so far 100% of the funding is Creationist sourced!

I am not making any claims. It is those who say that ID is somehow science who are making unsubstantiated claims. I am just standing at the schoolhouse door not letting ID in.

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Go ahead try teaching ID as philoshophy. But philosophy is taught at the college level to adults. Give it a shot as Philosophy departments are most university could use the money that you would have to put up to have it taught there. No I am not against publications of any books on any subject including works of fiction. But I am very much against publication of anything in science journal that go against MN.

What about how evolution actually happens… and philosophy of science…
Or are you happy with misinforming students about the scientific and theological nature of evolution through outdated and wrong info in texts?

Edit: this is an incontestable fact. Do a survey among any set of students after they complete their course in evolution and ask them two questions -

  1. Did the study of evolution cause your theological views on God to change?
  2. Is it possible for evolution and creation by God to be true at the same time.

This will expose how “theologically neutral” evolution really is.

No it isn’t The courts decide all kinds of claims made are scientific, factual or not. Take homeopathic medicine, faith healing, Tarot card reading, UFOs, anti-vaccinations exemptions, courts have to decide whether these claims are harmful to people or require more investigation of their validity.


When FACTS are discovered as falsehoods, they are corrected.

Can you prove a systematic bias against this practice… other than, say, tobacco science backed by Marlboro?

The only misinformation students are receiving is when non-facts or alternative facts are masqueraded as facts in education.

Check a high school biology text against current science… a lot of it is non facts and alternative facts masquerading as facts… It’s a presentation that can and does mislead students understanding of evolution.


So… easy to prove, right?
Please do so.

I did. Last year I tutored a local ninth grader in Freshman Biology. I was totally amazed at the deep and rigor of 9th grade biology in an average NJ High school. The text book and the questions absolutely flood me. It was well advanced from Biology 101 that my son took ten years prior at Rutgers University showing how far our understanding of biological processes has come. Here is a lecture at the grammar school level.

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