The Patience Required to Deal With The Public



He isn’t paying attention. I’m not sure how much longer we should allow his participation.


I am not sure that you understand…if one chooses to place his stake upon material “science” for real determinations of how life arrived on this planet, then he has already made his choice…his choice is that materialism holds the keys to the way. I was of the assumption that you were a “confessing scientist” in that you are questioning the philosophical position of many in the mainstream who were mistakenly placing too much faith in the material sciences (mans observations) and not enough upon God who creates and stands outside of mens capability to even determine our existence. But now, even when i share info from evolution news that puts a wrinkle in the material evolutionist view towards the fingerprints of God, you still seem to side with those who even suggest incorrectly that eyes are errant in their design suggesting that this is a sign of a misaligned evolutionary process. This makes me incredibly sad. I was incredibly disappointed with biologos especially considering that one of my favorite authors, Tim Keller had endorsed them. My disappointment continues. You may as well remove me from being able to input here and i will oblige as i did at Biologos. I agree with many creationists and proponents of ID- in time there will continue to be revelations, like the one recently as reported on evolution news, which debunk the type of evolutionism espoused and supported by you and the mainstream. The church suffers today with a faith that is more geared to behaviorism instead of treasuring God above all as the reason and desire to behave well in His honor. Creationist minustries have the perfect opportunity to bolster faith in God that supports this thinking. Then we have to confusingly deal with those claiming to be Christian who want to dismantle this attempt in whole. The Christian community consists of various giftedness and we are all supposed to do our part towards uplifting this God. I hope my prayers for you will be answered.

Sorry but Evolution News is not a science site. It’s an ID-Creationist propaganda site whose sole purpose is to spread anti-science falsehoods against evolutionary theory. Their end goal is to con scientifically unknowledgeable tyros like you into supporting their efforts at sneaking Biblical Creationism back into public school science classes.

As far as your rant against materialism goes, I’ll ask you the same question I ask every Creationist: how do you do science without relying 100% on materialism for trustworthy and repeatable results? How do you make allowances for unpredictable and undetectable fiddling by a supernatural entity?

I’ve seen hundreds of Creationist whine about materialism but not a single one has every offered a way to do science without it.


Of course science studies things from a “materialistic” point of view, as is right. The problem is when some insist that that method is the only one by which sure knowledge can be gained, and that any other methods are fraught with unreliability.
In essence, that would limit a “scientist” to attributing a Lego robotic creation to inherent properties within the Lego blocks themselves. Such a view is scientism, a religion, and not even good science.

When I hear creationists denounce “materialism,” I wonder if they have unknowingly borrowed from Gnosticism. It is as if they can accept that God might work upon nature but God is too pure and remote to work through nature. It is like studying the material realm is bad because the creationists have a Gnostic-like division between the physical and the spiritual.


I have a question for you, @Greg

When you are hungry in the morning, do you eat a material breakfast?

When you need to go to work, to you drive a material automobile?

When you post at Peaceful Science, do you use a material keyboard?

Haven’t you gone along with materialism just as completely as everybody else?

Personally, I do not consider myself a materialist. I think there’s more to life than the material. But I don’t go around decrying materialism, because we could not exist apart from the material.


I’m watching this topic now, trying to decide if moderation is needed. Since @Greg is named in the OP, his opinion on dealing with the public is relevant, but some of his off-topic comments are not. I’m going to let the current comments remain because they have provided interesting replies.
If this wanders off into arguing with Greg I’m going to start moving comments.

IOW: Greg’s opinions on communicating science to the public are relevant, even if we think Greg is wrong about science. The question should be, how do we deal with such misperceptions.


8 posts were split to a new topic: How Not to Deal with the Public

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Greg on the Forum

Have you even glanced at the literature about the evolution of sexes? Literally no one believes that sex A and B appeared simultaneously in 1 generation, and that this was needed before the generation died out. Your description is a complete straw man. Before deigning to lecture adults like a teacher talking to a class of young children, please read some books or literature.

This post of yours is a perfect example of why this thread has the title it does. Even as a layperson, you feel justified in treating professionals in the field as though they were small children, as though you know so much more than them. This is why professionals needs patience to interact with people like you on a regular basis.


(This quote ^ looks wrong. It is @evograd quoting @greg) This is stupid in everyone’s mind because it is a wildly, laughably inaccurate attempt to describe what we currently understand about the evolution of sexes. To echo what @evograd has said, you give the impression of someone who hasn’t read, and certainly doesn’t understand, at even the most basic level, the tenets of evolutionary theory. This is why you are out of place on this forum, not because you don’t agree with us, but because, as the saying goes, there is no one so blind as he who will not see.

If you want to become a critic of evolutionary theory, you need to learn it first. I know you contend that you do understand it, but, and I’m sorry to be unkind, almost every post you make reveals that you don’t.


If you’re not here to have a fruitful conversation why are you here?


Thank you for proving my point so clearly. I think I’m done here.


Smart move. Just ignore him.