The “Right” History: Religion, Race, and Nostalgic Stories of Christian America


A wide range of right-wing movements are bound together by their adherence to a nostalgic vision of the United States as a “Christian nation,” yet there are meaningful differences in the specific narratives promoted by these groups that are not fully understood. This article identifies two ideal-typical versions of this narrative: the white Christian nation and the colorblind Judeo-Christian nation. The two narratives share a common declension structure, but differ in their framing of how religion and race intersect as markers of American belonging and power. Although participants in right-wing movements often slide back and forth between the two narratives in practice, distinguishing between them analytically enables us to better understand how the two renderings of American history carry different meanings and perform different kinds of political work for participants in these movements. Theoretically, the analysis extends the insights of a “complex religion” approach to sites beyond organized religion, while also demonstrating how scholarship on Christian nationalism and on right-wing movements’ use of national history could each be enhanced by greater attention to the other.

I came across this article linked to by a Washington Post article by a sociologist specialising in the Militia movement.

It struck a chord with a number of themes that have come up in discussions on this forum, so I thought I’d post it.


I had to dig him up. There is a different view from the other side. There is a Right wing Political movement that does believe in sticking its toe in the water. And they should. They not only vote, they have the absolute right to stick its toe in the water and they have always done so. Some try to push the out. They have every right to be in the world.

??? Nothing in the article suggests otherwise.
Also, I’m pretty sure Tony Campolo is not the sort of Right Wing the article is discussing.

Grave robbing again? :skull: :laughing:


I’m darn sure he isn’t:

Anthony Campolo (born February 25, 1935) is an American sociologist, pastor, author, public speaker and former spiritual advisor to U.S. President Bill Clinton. Campolo is known as one of the most influential leaders in the evangelical left and has been a major proponent of progressive thought and reform within the evangelical community. He has also become a leader of the Red-Letter Christian movement, which aims to put emphasis on the teachings of Jesus. (Wikipedia)

To paraphrase Monty-Python, he ain’t dead yet. :stuck_out_tongue:

I would also point out that nobody is attempting to stop right-wing White Christian Nationalists from voting. Said right-wing White Christian Nationalists do however appear to be doing everything they can to prevent those who aren’t right-wing White Christians from voting (and/or to minimise the impact of their votes by gerrymandering).


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