“Evo - Devo” … or in the “biz”:
Evolutionary Development !
Produced by AcapellaScience, a unique channel on YouTube! All the sounds are produced by just ONE performer !
“Evo - Devo” … or in the “biz”:
Produced by AcapellaScience, a unique channel on YouTube! All the sounds are produced by just ONE performer !
Let’s not forget about all those fossils!
Off topic, but good fun!
Have you heard? That link you posted (below) doesn’t seem to be working.
What’s the channel it comes from?
Mod edit: alternate link
Or search TMBG paleontologist.
^^^ try now
Well, now this link is working for me!
They Might Be Giants also have a great song for any wannabe Bible scholar who is studying ANE (Ancient Near Eastern) history and culture:
Not only does this remind us of four famous heroes of the ANE, it parodies a similar video tribute to four modern day heroes (of the 1960’s.) (Yes, they’re The Monkeys.)
I like the entertaining ideas here. Maybe we will even have a comic strip one day .
I had no idea you were a TMBG fan, you continue to amaze!
Now tell me you like Fripp and my head will explode.
And for those who don’t know about that other band …
The They Must Be Giants’ video “The Mesopotamians” is basically a parody of this “We’re the Monkeys” video because both are about a struggling band trying to get recognized for their music:
Well, I’ll opt for something less " cool," and more predictable, because it’s what I truly think and feel.
Maybe a more humorous one will occur to me later… : )
Like, https://youtu.be/VJHJAkhacGU ?
PS should have an Evolution themed music. Here is Nightwish’s Endless Forms Most Beautiful with intro by Richard Dawkins
I wrote a song called Adam and Evolution. A tribute to true love delayed in its consummation by 3 billion years. What more could you want??
This is probably too elementary but maybe it could be played periodically:
Then, of course…
I might as well take the question “What Is Our Theme Music?” into the completely absurd:
(If I had a need for my own theme song, I would rework a few lyrics and just go with it.)