Lake Varves, Volcanic Ash, and the Great Isaiah Scroll

Lake Varves, Volcanic Ash, and the Great Isaiah Scroll

First, see this article by @Joel_Duff on the record of lake varves (layers) is a must read. Varves are layers at the bottom of some lakes, which we can observe being deposited, one layer each year. Just like tree rings, we can count them to see how many years have passed.

  1. The existence of these layers themselves is de facto evidence that the earth looks 100’s of thousands of years ago.

  2. It demonstrates that carbon dating (C14/C12) can work going back about 60,000 years ago.

  3. This also matches nearly exactly the C14/C12 levels in tree ring data (which goes back about 12,000 years ago). It is just an amazing coincidence unless this is a reliable marker of time.

  1. Remember, carbon dating is the exact same method that lets us know that the prophecies about Jesus in the Great Isaiah scroll were written before he walked the earth.
  1. The layers of Ash also show correspondence with 40Argon/39Argon dating.

For those curious about this, I’d direct your attention to this blog post:

And read them for yourself right here: